Your Marital Home during Divorce Mediation

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Your marital home is probably your biggest investment as a married couple. During mediation, it is essential that couples be creative and remain open to all possibilities when deciding what to do with the marital home.

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Sometimes, one spouse will feel that it is important for the children to stay in the home. If this is possible, it does often make for an easier transition for the children. Additionally, it is essential that couples obtain a professional assessment of the equity in their house. Once the equity is agreed upon, decisions can be made as to how to divide that equally.


In the state of Illinois, as in most other states, couples who are divorcing and have children are required to take a parenting class. This class can usually be done online, and it does not have to be done together. Having the parenting class done prior to filing for the divorce is the best approach. Although you both remain parents of your children, things will look different after you divorce and any advice from experts can be useful.


Are you interested in divorce mediation in Illinois ? Contact me with questions or to schedule a meeting.