Dedicated to helping.
Mediation requires insight, communication, confidence, and pragmatism. My career has prepared me well for the challenges of divorce mediation
If you’re like most couples, divorce was likely the furthest thing from your mind on your wedding day. Instead, as you exchanged vows, you probably envisioned building a life together that would be built to last.
While no couple wants to imagine their marriage will end in divorce, it is not uncommon — and it does not mean things will never be ok again. One step at a time.
Schedule a Meeting.
I typically meet couples together for the first session. I am available to meet anytime, including weekends and evenings.

What is Divorce Mediation?
Divorce mediation is not the same as a typical divorce — and it may make the process easier for both parties. As a trained divorce mediator, let me explain why divorce mediation may be the best process for you and your spouse at this time.
Divorce mediation is best for uncontested divorces, which is one in which both parties agree that the marriage is ending. Divorce mediation allows for you and your partner to both remain in control of outcomes. It empowers each of you to make decisions about the issues that must be addressed as you end your marriage.
In short, divorce mediation helps you maintain control over your life.
Many people assume that attorneys are necessary to get a divorce, but this is untrue. In the state of Illinois — and in most other states — mediation can be done by a trained mediator, and there is no need to have attorneys involved.
Why is this helpful? To start, keeping attorneys out of the equation helps to keep the process civil and less adversarial. My number one priority is to make sure each party has a voice and no one is taken advantage of.
Additionally, not relying on attorneys substantially helps to keep the cost down. In Illinois, divorces cost an average of nearly $10,000. However, my fees are often around $1,000. Why give money to divorce attorneys when you can keep it to care for you and your family?
Divorce Mediation at Peaceable Divorce
My training and background as a psychologist helps me work with couples who want to remain civil and need reassurance that all of their issues will be heard. The listening and facilitation skills I bring to the table are crucial in helping you reach a mutually agreed-upon plan.
As a trained divorce mediator who has completed over 75 divorce mediations, I am knowledgeable and skilled in helping couples address all the issues that must be covered in a marital settlement agreement. The obvious and largest issue is financial. Together, we can come to an agreement as to how couples can divide their assets and who will take on any debt.
If you have children, another priority is completing a fair and equitable parenting plan. Utilizing my skills as a psychologist, I help couples engage in productive discussion around co-parenting.
Divorce mediation is the best choice for couples who have decided to end their marriage. Working with me, you can complete the process with a significantly reduced cost and less stress than working attorneys.