What is Divorce Mediation?

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Divorce mediation

What is divorce mediation? Divorce mediation is a voluntary settlement process used by couples who want to divorce in the most amicable way possible. 

Divorce mediation is only used in uncontested divorces. An uncontested divorce is a divorce  decree that neither party is fighting. When both parties in a married couple agree to divorce, filing for an uncontested divorece will save time and money. 

Divorce mediation gives couples the option to plan their futures rationally and in an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect. The mediator is a trained neutral party that helps the couple reach a marital settlement agreement and facilitates the necessary conversations to reach agreement. Divorce mediation allows for you to be in control of your own lives — instead of lawyers or judges. 

 Divorce mediation is:

  • Significantly more affordable than litigation

  • Less adversarial and less stressful than litigation

  • A fair process that allows for couples to maintain control of their lives and decisions

  • A more peaceful and amicable way to move forward

A divorce mediator does not take sides with either spouse. The mediator is a neutral party helping to facilitate necessary conversations to reach an agreement. A skilled divorce mediator  is similar to a referee, keeping things fair and civil and asking the right questions. A divorce mediator makes sure neither party is taken advantage of. 

Divorce mediation addresses all of the issues that are necessary to go before a judge, represent yourself, and complete the divorce decree. 

Issues addressed in divorce mediation include:

  • Dividing assets and liabilities

  • Addressing the marital home and dividing any equity in the home

  • Creating a fair and equitable parenting plan

  • Determining child support

  • Decision-making around alimony or maintenance

  • Many other issues necessary for a complete settlement agreement

Divorce mediation is not for every couple. It is essential that both spouses are able to enter into mediation with the belief that agreements can be made in a civilized fashion. It is most effective when spouses do not want to hurt one another.

Divorce mediation is a much better approach for couples who want to proceed with their divorce in a fair and equitable way. 

Peaceable Divorce Mediation offer services in the state of Illinois.